"Art is not just a hobby, it's a way of life."

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Reflection on Kendall Buster

 It seems like the majority of artists and designers come from an Art and Design College. Kendall Buster got her Bachelor’s degree at one. However, that does not make me believe that going to a university not centered on just my field affects me in any sort of negative way.  This was my first thought when I started reading Buster’s biography on her website. I also see a pattern in art and design majors veering towards sculpture. For myself, it does not interest me that much to do it as a career, but I love to view sculptures in museums and galleries. Buster’s work is found internationally so it is clear that her sculptures are enjoyed by all difference people. The museums that display her works vary vastly. From Letter museums to Space museums Buster has her art widely spread all around the world. I believe that the seat project gives students a chance to also have their work widely shared, if they wish. If the seat resembles a space ship who knows; it may end up in a Space museum across the country. The seat does not have to wind up in the recycling bin or even in a museum full of furniture. To add, I love the material that Buster uses for her sculptures. I am not certain what it is but it reminds me of Chinese lanterns that you can place in your home or backyard. It seems like she centers her work on science. It is always good to pick one thing that intrigues you and work with it in various ways. Who knew that parabiosis or cells could be made into sculptures? In conclusion, Buster’s website has inspired me more to create a seat that no one would expect to see as a seat. Her work is not consisted of everything that would be expected to be made into art. I do not want my art to be predictable either.

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