"Art is not just a hobby, it's a way of life."

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Location Without Distortion

This is the location of my final collage. I figured I needed a photo of the place, without it being in a collage form, and simply in it's original state. Thanks to my neighborhood Cedar Creek for provding me such a beautiful setting for photography!

Almost finished! 40 more photos to go!

This is documentation of my collage towards the end of the first project. It was displayed as is for the critique of Bryon Darby, which is a very respectable photographer. I was pleased to find out that he was intrigued by my artistic choices. I hope that the final product is even more intriguing and successful.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Favorite Experiment for a Collage

I would have to pick this photo collage as my favorite so far that I have experimented with. The bright orange and yellowish colors on the bottom really caught my eye. I love how the leaves can easily look almost like a different tree depending on the time of day or lighting. The hat that I chose for my model as well gives the collage something extra. To improve on this idea, I would certainly take shots of the sky and more of the grass or wheat area around the tree.

My Top 4 Collages for Project 1

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Idea Outline for Project #1 - Photo Collage

  • bare trees vs. trees still with leaves in same area
  • falling leaves 
  • breaking branches 
  • interaction between person and trees 
  • day and night changes within trees 
  • cars driving 
  • cars going different directions 
  • blinkers and brake lights 
  • stop light involved with photos 
  • color change of lights and car functions 
Head Hair 
  • flipping or head banging 
  • bangs swaying 
  • movement of body with the hair 
  • change of hair color in lighting 
  • straight vs curly or wavy 
  • Microphone interaction with singer 
  • zoom shots of lips and mouth while singing 
  • cord swinging 
  • mic stand movement 
  • background with music symbols incorporated 

Inspiration for Photo Collage Project

This photo collage, "Ian Washing His Hair", by David Hockney inspired me to think more about the distortion of the human body and incorporating movement into my own project. Instead of a bath tub scene though, I have a few different things in mind. For instance, I thought of putting a combination of one person's body parts together in a fractured form while in a scene of music and singing. Their lips and mouth in general would play a huge part.