The IDEO video, Deep Dive, opened my eyes to a variety of ways to develop successful inventions or re-designs. Head executives of IDEO have a different – but in my opinion – brilliant approach to creating new products to put onto the market. Saying what you think no matter how crazy or illogical it sounds really can bring about successful ideas. It does not matter if the idea seems irrational because it may just work out. The grocery cart that was made, had some crazy ideas put into it and it turned out pretty awesome if I do say so myself. A mixture of ideas and a new product was quickly made. I loved the fact that the crew was made up of all different people. Not everyone was a designer. Some had biology degrees even, but a passion for design. A diverse team is always the most successful team. “Being playful is the key to being innovative” said one of the bosses of IDEO. This is a true statement because if all that is every happening is people sitting on a computer researching all day long or having their eyes glued on a book, no experiences are taking place. Another point the video made was that criticizing should not be made until the end. In the beginning everyone should have a welcoming, open shot to participate in inventing designs. Going out and asking the expert of a certain field is a great idea as well. Feedback from people that know what they are talking about is a wonderful way to learn and improve. To conclude about the video, the whole concept of “focused chaos”, “failing often to succeed sooner”, and “deep diving” really creates a team of determination, inspiration, and most of all success. Work does not always have to be serious and boring, especially if you love doing it because you love designing and being part of a creative bunch of people.